It’s happened to us all that first day of school,
that mixture of excitement and dread
Sick to the pit of my own stomach
viewing that huge school in red
But all too soon the day quickly dawned
striding in stout laced up brown leather shoes
To change out of when I eventually arrived
into one’s more suitable instead
we were placed in our classes
Of which I knew barely a few
When a girl swished me glance
with her black shiny hair
And the widest of grins she drew
‘I wonder if there’s any ink in those’
She’d observed of the inkwells in the desk
When she stuck her finger into the pot
And then boy, did she make a mess
Lifting her finger replete with pot
Revealed it was full to the brim
And In her attempt to shake it free
right over her head
it skimmed
dribbling right down
onto her brand spanking new
gymslip, jumper and shirt
and with the form teacher not yet come into view
the sight must have given a scare.
she was one and the same girl
Who in our chemistry class
Induced awe and wonder
at the Bunsen burners igniting gas
and proceeded to set fire to her hair.
‘What was that smell’, we’d all declared
When the teacher responded with fright
We’d all jumped back when we saw the smoke
But she completely was oblivious to her plight
I believe these days protection is supplied
But we were hardy things back then
Albeit somewhat naïve and perhaps even worldly unwise
Of course needless to say
She became a best friend
remaining so to this very same day.
So life as it is has many surprises in store
Just take a deep breath, dive in and explore
But make sure you
know which way to sway. J